Just a short update, technical difficulties have made it difficult for me to get online with my pics due to a malfunctioning camera phone who's signal keeps crapping out it may be a little time before I can embed some video in the blog or anything. Work is really becoming chillax, I'm getting a lot better at teaching, and I am actually beginning to enjoy it!
As for the living thing, I've started to do some grocery shopping of my own and after watching a lot of the food and travel network I've become anxious to flex my culinary muscles. The side bonus of my own cooking is I don't need to worry as much about the amount of oil and shit that they put in a lot of the food here, sometimes it's a real crapshoot the only thing I can honestly say was a real dissappointment so far has been a bit of starfruit juice that tasted a little like rotten apple cider.
I feel a little out of it writing this post as I look back on it I can see that my English skills are starting to grow a little stale. SPeaking broken English directions to five year olds can get fatiguing after for years of essay writing. I miss learning but I'm also a little happy to be away from the grind of paper writing and endless due dates. That being said I do have these reports to write every two weeks that last time I check clock in at around 4000 words. It's a lot of BS but still time consuming. This teaching English stuff is a lot of superficial learning. BUt then maybe language learning is mostly superficial, without the cultural context. I am happy that I'm learning a lot about chinese culture, face and Sino-Taiwanese relations. Living in the real world after 18 years of formal education has been really an eye opener. The theory is really showing itself off at times I wish I'd taken a few more business classes or economics classes in University as I can begin to see how capital shapes the dialogue of so much of our lives.
I got a little introspective there, and reading back I can see this stream of conciousness is all over the place. I'll try to produce something a little more coherent next time. This blog is more of a sketch book for my prose then anything else.
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awwwwwwwww brett ballanger..i really miss you..that videoblog makes me realise this:P
when are you comming back?
I should be coming back in April. Otherwise I'll try to post some more video for all the folks missing me at home.
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