Thursday, May 03, 2007

The busy life in Taiwan

Nothing too exiciting to report. I went to Ximending last night. Its' the youth focused fashion district where all manner of shops cater to the spending habits of Taiwan's youth. I took some pictures and had some sushi with my buddy Kevin and his girlfriend. We took some stupid pictures and I crashed early. The Jet lag is all but gone, now its' just the hectic schedule of teaching and learning Chinese which has got me worn out.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The journey home and a Return

Hey let me just say thanks to all of you who I saw the last two weeks. It's been great to get in touch with all of you guys. I'm ecstatic about seeing home and it was simply wonderful to see all my good friends if at least for a coffee. To the friends I missed I am truly sorry and saddened. It will be great to finally get caught up when I come back later this year for good.

For the particulars of my trip it was quite relaxed and almost slothful the amount of sleeping I caught up on. I was happiest about seeing my family and the dinner we had on wednesday really can't be carried through words the happiness it brought. I'm glad to be back in Taiwan and I miss you guys already.

I'm motivated to post more now but the return flight hardly carries any stories. I shall post more upon future reflection.